Pet Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is the world’s most considerable non-drug approach to health care. The animal Chiropractor adjusts the misaligned vertebrae. This helps the entire nervous system, not just with back problems. The proper function of the nervous and lymphatic systems is then restored. In this way, chiropractic treatments address the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.

What is required for chiropractic care?

We require an exam with our veterinarian or if you are not a current client, a letter from your current veterinarian stating that they are approving your pet for chiropractic care. We also require full spinal radiographs of your pet. Lab work is required for chiropractic care so we can ensure medications that are safe for your pet can be prescribed. Interested in setting up a chiropractic appointment or wanting more information? Give us a call today!

Dog sitting on floor